For 25 years Young ABN AMRO has been the young professional organization for everyone under 36 years old within ABN AMRO. Every year we organize over 30 events, varying from workshops and seminars to courses, trips abroad, sports events and parties. The best thing about it? The YAA enables you to get in touch with colleagues from all over the organization. We combine fun and personal development, nationally as well as internationally. You can become a YAA member for only  €25 per year*. 

Are you interested? You can apply via the button bellow



Questions? Feel free to e-mail us (gnuoy.[antispam]



Young ABN AMRO Membership General Conditions:

       1.    Who can become a member?

  1. Exclusively individuals employed at ABN AMRO NL, including both internal employees and those contracted through other companies.
  2. Employee must have reached the age of 18 years.
  3. Employee cannot have previous debt with Young ABN AMRO.
  4. While focusing on providing a network for those under 36 years old, individuals who reached the age of 36 are not excluded.

      2.    How to become a member?

  1. Membership is exclusively obtained by joining through the official website
  2. Enrollment is open year-round, with subscription periods aligning with full calendar years.

      3.    Duration of membership

  1. Membership is valid per full calendar year, starting immediately upon subscription.
  2. Members can request to end their membership, effective from the 1st of January of the following calendar year.
  3. Failure to unsubscribe before January 1st results in an automatic one-year extension.

      4.    Cancellation of membership

  1. Members can cancel their membership anytime, effective from the 1st of January of the subsequent calendar year.
  2. Cancellation must be processed through the same channel used for enrollment (
  3. Leaving ABN AMRO as an employer or reaching the age of 36 does not automatically cancel the subscription.
  4. Leaving ABN AMRO as an employer revokes the right to participate in Young ABN AMRO events as of the date the employee leaves ABN AMRO.
  5. After cancellation of the membership while remaining an employee of ABN AMRO you can still participate all events until the end of the current year.
  6. Inability to comply to the payments obligations for events and contribution is cause to terminate the membership.
  7. Non-compliance with the ABN AMRO code of conduct is cause to terminate the membership.

      5.    Membership fee

  1. All members pay an annual membership fee, irrespective of their enrollment or departure date.
  2. The fee is deducted once per year (around August) and is automatically withdrawn from the member’s bank account through the provided authorization.
  3. Annual fee adjustments are subject to approval during the General Member Meeting (algemene ledenvergadering).

      6.    Code of Conduct

  1. Members are expected to adhere to the ABN AMRO Code of Conduct during all Young ABN AMRO events.

      7.    Conflicts

  1. Conflicts regarding membership or events can be addressed to the Young ABN AMRO board. Please reach out to us using our group mail gnuoy.[antispam]
  2. In case you do not feel comfortable to discuss conflicts with the Young ABN AMRO board you can also address your concern with one of the ABN AMRO Speak Up Channels.
  3. The Young ABN AMRO board preserves the right to cancel individual memberships in case of misbehavior.